How do I register to use PIEDMONT’s services?
To register, click login/register on the home page, and enter the required information. Your request will be approved within 1 business day. Once approved, you will receive an introductory email outlining next steps for setting up a group.
How does PIEDMONT’s proprietary process benefit insurance carriers, insurance agents, employers, and policyholders?
  • No cost
  • No change to existing procedures
  • Greater retention of clients and policyholders
  • On-time payments (no delinquencies)
  • Available for Groups/Employer and Individuals/Direct Bill
  • Faster access to payment data
  • No handling of checks and money orders
  • No cost
  • Easy set up
  • Greater retention of clients and policyholders
  • No more collection calls
  • Policyholder retention when changing jobs or converting to Direct Bill
  • More sales: weekly at $10 vs. monthly at $40
  • Faster response to missed deductions
  • No cost
  • Easy one-time set up
  • Automated process – once set up, the Payroll System handles the rest
  • No General Ledger to manage
  • No bill
  • No reconciliation
  • No payment to remit
  • Only involved at:
    • initial set up — one-time event
    • change in coverage
    • adding new employees
  • No need to notify PIEDMONT or carrier of employee termination
  • Resolves issues related to employer objections: “hate the bill reconciliation” or “don’t have any more deduction buckets”
  • Low cost – As low as $1.39 per week
  • Easy one-time set up
  • No bill
  • No need to send in money order or check
  • Premium paid on time
  • Funds pulled on payday versus larger amount once per month
  • Continuity of coverage when changing jobs
How is this any different than an employer-billed payroll deduction?
With payroll deduction, premiums are collected “inside” the payroll system. As such it is subtracted from the gross pay in determining the net pay. It also relies on the employer to hold the funds in an internal general ledger account until it is time to pay the bill. The employer is expected to manage the bill including all payments, reconciliation, terminations, etc.

PIEDMONT’s PUSH process is set up within the payroll system as an apportion of take-home pay (as opposed to a payroll deduction). Once this has been set up, the employer has no further responsibility for the premium. Furthermore, if the employee leaves the company, the employer is not required to inform the carrier.

PIEDMONT’s PULL process is completed totally outside the payroll system as it eliminates the employer’s responsibility altogether.

Does the employer have access to employees’ escrow accounts?
No. These funds are set aside for a specific use and are not accessible by the employer.
Does the policyholder have access to his/her escrow account?
No. These funds are set aside for a specific use and are not accessible by the policyholder. If there is a need to refund a policyholder, Piedmont will refund via EFT to the account specified by the policyholder.
What happens if a deposit is missed?
The policyholder’s account may be under-funded and the balance may be insufficient to cover the premium. If this happens the premium may be short-paid or may go unpaid, depending on the carrier’s instructions.

In addition, the agent has 24/7 access to each policyholder’s transaction activity and history. This provides information regarding policyholder issues including missed deductions, expired account information, etc. If a deposit is not received on payday, or a premium payment to a carrier is short-paid or unpaid, the agent receives  an email alert from Piedmont. This gives the agent detailed information regarding their clients that may not otherwise be known until the premium is missed or the policy lapses.

If using the payroll direct deposit method (PUSH), can a policyholder’s account be over-funded?
Yes. If a policyholder receives more than one paycheck during a pay cycle it is likely that he will end up with multiple deposits to Piedmont. When this happens, we recommend that the amount remain in the account to cover any missed deposits in the future (due to a missed paycheck), though the overage can be refunded to the policyholder at any time upon their request.
What happens when a policyholder changes jobs? Does the employer, policyholder, or agent have to do anything?
The employer doesn’t have to do anything. Once the employee stops receiving payment, the account funding stops. The policyholder can set up the account to be funded at his next employer but will likely need assistance from the agent. In addition, the agent will receive notice of delinquency in Payment and Funding Failure alerts; this allows quick follow up in order to retain current clients.
How do I set up a new group with PIEDMONT?
Prior to enrollment, it is important that the agent register the new group with PIEDMONT. This provides us with all necessary information for our system so that we can then beginning receiving Payroll Direct Deposit forms and Electronic Funds Transfer forms. The setup process varies depending on the carrier. Once you register as an agent, you will have access to this information. To register, click here.

Answers to more Frequently Asked Questions will be available after you have registered as an agent. To register, please click here.